A heavy 80's English style kitchen, complete w barrel vaulted ceiling and paint effects, family room, adjacent entertaining kitchen and sweeping front hall cried out for simplicity. We left the initial walk-through with the clients thinking one thing - WHITE. We knew the renovation should not compete with the view, but Rather it should enhance it, so we focused our designs on 2 main fronts. One - simplifying a few major elements in each of the rooms to create calm and space, including replacing all of the water-facing paned windows with plate glass, adding dramatic lighting fixtures in the kitchen and removing all the traces of heavy English decor. Tworeusing what we could in the all the rooms; resurfacing all of the cabinets, adding modern pulls, honing the shiny granite and lightening the floors.

The end result is a completely transformed environment. Easy on the eye, quiet on the mind, the ceilings seem higher, the light is certainly greater and the rooms now make sense together. don't miss the before + after story below-




Photography by Max Bortniker